FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AARC Receives Donations12/30/2002 -- The Alger Amateur Radio Club has received a gracious donation of communications equipment. Eighteen Motorola MICOR Base and repeater stations for Six Meters, Two Meters and 23 cm Bands also included were two Sinclair duplexers for Six Meters and a set of duplexers for the 23 cm band. The club also received from the same donor, a Johnson base station and another GE Mastr II Base Station, and five MICOR Mobile radios.
We are very excited about the new options that this equipment presents us with. Look for updates to our Repeater Service section of this website for additional information on this new equipment.
On a separate note, the AARC recently received a cash donation from the Pro Rally that recently visited. We are very grateful for their continued support. For More Information Contact: |
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