UP Michigan PictureAlger Amateur Radio Club

Until I get a chance to spend more time and give each machine its own space,  I am listing them all here.....so in no particular order:

  1. Master II mobile _ duplex mod done... this is actually our second radio and is a backup to our present main radio in Wetmore
  2. Micor Base Station C53RCB-3106C  (159.600 MHz) s/n SA165C
  3. Master II Base Station DI66TAU66A S#5211345  tx KT45A  RX ER-64A
  4. Micor Base Repeater UHF  (Tx 472.5375 Mhz - Rx 475.537)
  5. Micor Base Repeater UHF C54RCB3106A (Tx 452.657 - Rx 452.652) s/n QA3289
  6. Micor Base Station C64RCB3106A (452.6500 Mhz)  ser 201CCQ0545
  7. Micor Base Station C71RCB3106D (LOW BAND)  ser 201CEJ0166 including aftermarket CW ID CSC Control Signal  CWID-51B
  8. Micor Base Station C53RCB3106D  - 201CDG0588
  9. Sinclair Radio Laboratories, Inc. Duplexer Model R-1036  (222)9918-1 N-Type connectors (44.78 Mhz - 43.98 Mhz)
  10. MICOR Duplexer UHF 7M309
  11. Micor Base Station C64RCB-3106A (452.850 Mhz) 201CGC0315
  12. Sinclair Radio Laboratories, Inc. Duplexer Model R-1036  (222)9918-1 N-Type connectors
  13. Micor Base Station - C71RTB3103DM (LOW BAND)  s/n TA0775
  14. Johnson Base Station
  15. Micor Base Station C53RTB3104BM   s/n PA085X
  16. Micor Base Station C53RTB3103BM   s/n TA074S
  17. Micor Base Station C53RTB3105C     s/n SA061A
  18. Micor Base Station C53RTB3105B      s/n PA118N
  19. Micor Base Station C53RTB3106C     s/n TA0524
  20. Micor Base Station C53RTB3106C     s/n QA069L   (159.765 Mhz)
  21. Micor Base Station C53RTB3105C     s/n TA058S    (159.615 Mhz - PL 114.8)
  22. Micor Base Station C53RTB3104DM  s/n UA019J
  23. Micor Base Station C53RTB3103DM  s/n TA073S
  24. Micor Base Station C53RTB3106C     s/n SA026B


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Copyright © 2002 Alger Amateur Radio Club
Last modified: 11/19/02